finding ground Discovering peace to flourish in mind and body

Finding Ground is a functional nutrition and mindfulness practice that counsels individuals in search of healing through fostering a healthy relationship with food, body, and self.

Hey, I’m Sarah!

I’m a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP), a Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWP), and a Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher. I’m passionate about the body’s innate ability to heal itself when given the right resources and support to do so. I help those struggling with various health challenges find long-term relief through diet, supplementation, lab testing, lifestyle, stress response management techniques, and mindset changes. My focus is on real, whole foods and self-compassion to achieve optimal health without fixation or restriction.

Integrative Lifestyle Healing - Intuitive Eating - Anti-Diet Culture - HAES® (Health At Every Size)-Aligned - Mindfulness & Self-Compassion Approach

Rebecca's experience

“Working with Sarah hit me like a hug and it felt like I could breathe. It has had me feel things I didn’t know I could feel while focusing on health: relaxed, patient, gentle. Her process is everything I’ve always wanted from the healthcare system: focused on me as an individual, concentrated on truly hearing the client, aimed at feeling good within and about the body, and designed to find real causes of problems. After several months spent in process with Sarah, I feel more capable of hearing what my body has to say to me, and I have the tools to step into the changes I want to make.” 

Lauryn's experience

“I reached out to Sarah at my lowest. After seeing multiple specialists for years, and having been told that no one knew what was wrong with me, I was completely desperate. After only a few weeks into my healing journey with Sarah, I began feeling relief that had evaded me for most of my life. Sarah’s full-person approach to healing is unlike anything I’ve experienced and has restored my hope that I can live without significant pain and disruption.” 

Tayla's experience

“I’ve struggled with gut health and food insensitivities for almost 10 years. I’ve experimented with various food groups and various types of practitioners but within weeks of working with Sarah, I felt like a new person. I’m so grateful to Sarah for helping me finally get a better understanding of my body and what it needs. Sarah has been great at explaining and talking through what might be happening in my body to help me learn how my body reacts to different foods and situations. She checks in about how I’m feeling to make sure things aren’t overwhelming, and that I feel good about what we’re working towards. This type of approach has helped me feel so much more empowered in taking care of my own body. Now, about 7 months later, my ulcerative colitis continues to stay in remission, and perhaps most importantly, I feel much more prepared to take a holistic approach to these and other health challenges that may come in my future.” 


(names have been changed) 

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